TXT to GIFT Converter

On this page you will be able to upload a .txt file and convert it to GIFT format for docebo.

Upload content here

The .txt file (or pasted text) must meet the following requirements:

1. Question Text

a. answer 1
b. answer 2
c. answer 3
*d. answer 4

2. question text

a. answer 1
*b. answer 2
c. answer 3
d. answer 4

  • The asterisk (*) marks the correct answer.
  • There must be a line break between the question and the answer set
  • There must be two line breaks between the last answer and the next question
  • At the beginning of the document, the first question must be the first line
  • At the end of the document, the last answer must be the last line
  • This can currently only convert multiple choice or true/false. If we get any questions not of this type, let me know.